
It is one of the most famous Italian cheeses, produced with whole cow milk, with a hard, salty stretched paste. It has a thin, smooth straw-colored skin.
It has the characteristic shape of a lengthened flask, with a head that stands above a narrow neck determined by the string used to hang them in couple during the maturing period. Its name is allegedly derives in fact by the way they are hung, “a cavallo” (on horseback) of their support.
The paste is homogenous and compact, white or straw-colored more intense on the surface and less in the inside. It has an aromatic taste, normally delicate and sweet when the cheese is fresh, becoming stronger when the maturing is advanced.
It can be treated on the surface with transparent substances, for instance by dipping it into paraffin wax, or vacuum-packed.
Curiosity: caciocavallo appears for the first time in XIV century. It is named in fact in a novel of 1350 by Franco Sacchetti, and is mentioned again in a fiscal treaty of the same period, in regards of a transaction of dairy products from Abruzzo.
Produkt datablad - PDFPasteurized cow’s Milk , salt, rennet, milk enzymes. No preservatives.
Allergens: Milk and products thereof, lactose and milk proteins.
Energivärde | Kcal 324 – Kj 1344 |
Fett | g 26 |
varav mättade fettsyror | g 17 |
Kolhydrat | g 2,2 |
varav sockerarter | g 0,5 |
Protein | g 21 |
Salt | g 1,2 |
18,00 €*
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