Ciliegine 250 g

Simple and delicious cherry mozzarellas, weighing about six grams, packaged in brine in a 250-gram container sealed with protective film. It is a very delicate yet delicious product, ideal to enrich appetizing mixed salads, but also to enjoy on its own as an appetizer or snack, or furthermore to dress main dishes, and in general in the preparation of seasonal meals.
This product contains a low amount of salt. Given the peculiar structure of the product, salt can be added before eating it.
Produkt datablad - PDFPasteurized cow’s Milk , salt, rennet, milk enzymes. No preservatives.
Allergens: Milk and products thereof, lactose and milk proteins.
Energivärde | Kcal 277 – Kj 1150 |
Fett | g 28,8 |
varav mättade fettsyror | g 16,9 |
Kolhydrat | g 0 |
varav sockerarter | g 0 |
Protein | g 18 |
Salt | g 0,4 |
3,30 €*
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