Laktosfri blockmozzarella 1,5 kg

This mozzarella is suitable for those who are intolerant to lactose or for those who find it difficult to digest it, as lactose is broken down into the two sugars galactose and glucose, which are more easily assimilated. The ideal product for people who suffer from lactose intolerance but don’t want to give up the pleasures of the table.
From now on, lactose intolerant people can enjoy mozzarella again, even in pizzerias.
Pasteurized cow’s Milk , salt, rennet, milk enzymes. No preservatives.
Allergens: Milk and products thereof, milk proteins.
Energivärde | Kcal 275 – Kj 1144 |
Fett | g 21,4 |
varav mättade fettsyror | g 15,5 |
Kolhydrat | g 0 |
varav sockerarter | g 0 |
Glukos | g 0 |
Galaktos | g 0 |
Laktos | g < 0,1 |
Protein | g 20,7 |
Salt | g 1 |
Food Service
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