
More mature than our other aged dairy products, the Provolino is a cheese with a cylindrical shape, therefore also called Salamino.
If it is made with lamb or goat rennet gives it with maturing its characteristic strong taste.
The Provolino is then hand shaped, smoothing the external surface and avoiding any air bubbles in the inside, which would spoil the quality of the product.
Produkt datablad - PDFPasteurized cow’s Milk , salt, rennet, milk enzymes. No preservatives.
Allergens: Milk and products thereof, lactose and milk proteins.
Energivärde | Kcal 324 – Kj 1344 |
Fett | g 26 |
varav mättade fettsyror | g 17 |
Kolhydrat | g 2,2 |
varav sockerarter | g 0,5 |
Protein | g 21 |
Salt | g 1,2 |
Food Service
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